Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Benefits of smart growth

Potentially, smart growth could be a good idea to base a solution on for urban sprawl. Urban sprawl itself has a lot of issues, and I think that smart growth could be a potential solution to this problem. The aritcle that I used addresses the beneifts of smart growth by saying, "Of course, suburban sprawl has been around for decades. But its environmental and cultural impact is becoming increasingly apparent as development expands farther from urban centers. Besides devouring open space and wildlife habitat, new suburbs degrade the quality of life in other ways, environmentalists say: By spending more time commuting, residents exacerbate both traffic congestion and air pollution. As runoff-absorbing trees and fields are paved over, stormwater that normally would have been absorbed into the ground ends up in streams, rivers and low-lying areas, often causing flooding or polluting waterways with salt, chemicals and microbes picked up on the way."

I see this as a benefit to reduce the amount of time and gasoline it takes to go from point A to point B. Since there is a global warming controversy, I think that this could help America become even more fuel efficient. Whether someone belives global warming exists or not, we can all agree that dependency for oil in the Middle East is and has never really been a good idea, because of all of the conflict and war that has gone on at least within the past decade. This concept is a good solution to at least consider, to reduce the amount of space that destroys forests and the homes of many animals.

Cooper, M. H. (2004, May 28). Smart growth. CQ Researcher, 14, 469-492. Retrieved February 8, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online,

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