Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little Girl Get's Kicked Off Her School Bus 1 Mile Away From Her House

I was watching the news this morning as I was eating breakfast, and I was listening to a report about a little girl getting kicked off of her school bus a mile away from her house. Apparently, she called her mom right away and said "I don't know where I am and what to do!" The bus driver was a subsitute driver, which think is one of the most important and significant details to this case. The reason why this detail struck me was because my grade school in Chicago, Hawthorne Scholastic Academy, used a bus company called "Atlantic Express," and there were quite a few times where a substitute driver would go through my bus's route, but in a reckless and eratic way. She would make a sharp turn right out of the school, and many of the students on my bus would literally fall out of their seats! I'm not trying to imply that this substitute driver that I had 6 years ago is the same driver who kicked this girl off of the bus, but I wouldn't be surprised if the sub that I had a couple times was still subbing and was the one that kicked this little girl off. It would be even more coincedential if the girl actually attended my grade school! I imagine that being a school bus driver is a tough job and doesn't get a lot of pay, but being a substitute driver can be even harder if that person doesn't know what the route stops are. The sub that I had was absolutely psychotic, and I would hope she would never put childrens' lives in danger ever again.

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