Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Topic is Urbanization

Urbanization is a very detailed and complicated problem that is based on the condition of the economy. As Obama implied in his State of the Union Address, the rescesion is over, and jobs will be created. However, if these jobs will not be available, then the number of families will continue to lose their homes. It was interesting how Obama talked about children writing to him and asking when they will be able to have a home. People living in homes is a big part of Urbanization, and a city or town is judged based on the type of housing, and how expenisive the housing is. In my mom's building's neighborhood in Chicago, for example, there a nice Target Greatland that was supposed to be built. Then the alderman was remored to cancle that project and create low income housing over the land. About a year ago, they decided that the Target will indeed be built. If the low-income housing were to built, this would impact the nieghborhood surrounding the intersection of Montrose, Sheridan, and Broadway Ave wouldn't be able to improve, and any crime that would occur in that area would continuem, if not increase. That is the last thing that a city like Chicago needs at this point, especially since the South Side is infested with gang shootings, where inoscent pedestrians get shot and killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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