Thursday, January 28, 2010

Research I Found on Urbanization

This article I found gives a great overview of what urbanization really is. America's first cities started with New York City in 1626, then Boston was founded 4 years later. Many Americans during the Colonial Period seeked a desire to move out to rural areas, rather than enhabit the early city life. After the Revolution, New York City became one of the most dynamic cities in America. By 1810, it become the largest cummunity that spoke English. The 1800s allowed European immigrants to move to the urban areas and occupy jobs that were needed in those cities. There were some dangers to living in these cities, which included epidemics, and fires. The main reason for these cites to be built was because it was a great way for America to have success with trade. The Mid-20th Century proved to be a time where African Americans moved up North to Northern Cities, rather than only staying in the South. At the same time, many cities lost the number of people because of suburban growth. During the late 1940s and the 1970s, cites developed renewal programs. Renewal programs were created to provide "aesthetic and practical improvements," which means they wanted to improve city turrain.

"urbanization." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

"urban renewal." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

My Topic is Urbanization

Urbanization is a very detailed and complicated problem that is based on the condition of the economy. As Obama implied in his State of the Union Address, the rescesion is over, and jobs will be created. However, if these jobs will not be available, then the number of families will continue to lose their homes. It was interesting how Obama talked about children writing to him and asking when they will be able to have a home. People living in homes is a big part of Urbanization, and a city or town is judged based on the type of housing, and how expenisive the housing is. In my mom's building's neighborhood in Chicago, for example, there a nice Target Greatland that was supposed to be built. Then the alderman was remored to cancle that project and create low income housing over the land. About a year ago, they decided that the Target will indeed be built. If the low-income housing were to built, this would impact the nieghborhood surrounding the intersection of Montrose, Sheridan, and Broadway Ave wouldn't be able to improve, and any crime that would occur in that area would continuem, if not increase. That is the last thing that a city like Chicago needs at this point, especially since the South Side is infested with gang shootings, where inoscent pedestrians get shot and killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Address

Well Obama delivered it... I liked how he was very focused and knew what he wanted to be said. He said it with confidence. I'm glad that no one yelled out in the middle of the president's speech, because last time it was very rude. I did see someone in the chamber texting, which I was surprised to see. I think that if both parties work hard and work together the goals that Obama presented tonight will be accomplished.

I deleted most of my Youtube videos

First of all, I compose music on the piano and my computer the but my compositions weren't getting a lot of views, and the people who were viewing either didn't feel comfortable enough to rate and comment, or they didn't actually have youtube accounts. This was very annoying to me, so I decided to not keep them on my Youtube account. Also, people would argue with me if I accidently posted a comment without thinking carefully about it, and then they would lower my ratings before I could block them. That is the last thing I need. I am thinking about creating a new youtube account, though, because "composer14" is a little weird.
But in the mean time here are my few videos, right here all of which feature myself, as well as 2 videos featuring myself playing the 1st and 3rd Preludes written by George Gershwin. I actually messed up the rhythym, though for the 3rd Prelude, so I have to repost a newer performance without that major mistake. Of course, no one except for myself and some George Gershwin "experts" would be able to notice the mistakes I made .

New iPad from Apple? What is next?

I know that they announced this today, but when they say "unbelievable" prices, I think they mean unbelievably expensive. It's cool that they finally have something new, but they should have some new apps that come with the iPad right away, rather than being able to purchase it from the app store. I think that Apple is running out of ideas, and this is to get people who have the iPhone/iTouch to waste their money on something that is pretty much the same thing, but with a different external design and name. I bet that the next product will be the iScream or the iShake (which would be a newer iPod Shuffle) or the iHumidifer. $500 is very expensive, and even something like the Playstation 3 is only $300 for 120Gb and $350 for the 250Gb version. Although I clearly shouldn't be comparing a new Apple product to a Sony entertainment system, I hope that this iPad thing will go way down in price, because it seems like it can do everything that the iTouch can do and nothing more or less. Plus 3G doesn't seem that great to me anymore because Verizon Wireless (cell phone company) seems to have a successful 4G network for their expensive phones.