Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Issue's Project: Alternative Fuel Souces/Alt. Sources of Energy Post 1

   As prices for gasoline continue to spike upwards in the U.S. due to rising conflicts in the Middle East, many have been trying to find other means of obtaining enough oil for cars and other vehicles in the U.S. However, this is easier said than done, because it can be (not always though) very difficult to find other means of energy, whether it is price of those alternate sources, or lack of enough of it to power the whole country.
   But not to worry, because President Obama has the hope and confidence that very few other Americans truly have with finding and transitioning to a "clean energy economy." There was an article on CBS News, called,

"Obama: Growth tied to energy independence"

 that discussed Obama's seemingly encourging words for using cleaner energy. Although I agree with what he wants to do and why, it seems like his execution at actually getting it done may not be effective enough to push his plans forward. One of the more striking things that I found from this article was the statistic that the author threw in.

"Oil prices have been rising because of growing demand in China and continued instability in some oil-producing countries in the Middle East. That, in turn, has pushed gasoline prices to new highs. The national average for a gallon of gas hit $3.619 on Friday, the highest price ever for this time of year, according to AAA and other sources. Prices have climbed 23.2 cents in the past month and more than 81 cents in the past year."
While this price hike is bad, no matter what political side you are on, the solutions for lowing prices may not become effective right away, depending on what sources the U.S. decides to use in place off fossil fuels, and how much of that source reall is available within a given amount of time.

In case you were interested in reading the actual article, you can find the link here

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