Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mock Trial Response part 2

It's very difficult for me to say that I have seen sexual harassment nor date rape in or around DHS. If there was a recent case, emails would be sent out to all of the students including myself, the teachers, and the parents. The DHS culture avoids having any relationship with these issue's because parents are very diligent if their daughter or son had any problems regarding their sexuality. Or at least my parent would be diligent if I had any problems with either of these things. I don't feel like DHS is the type of school that would have problems with either of these issues, there are other problems such as kids in my grade smoking and drinking various stuff, and much of which is illegal. Sexual harassment could be occuring at much bigger high schools, especially public high schools in Chicago. The reason for this is that parents of students who go to CPS high schools don't pay property tax for their kids to go to their high school. It is funded in a much different way than suburban schools. Somehwhat of the control here at DHS is lacking at these schools naturally. But if there was a case of sexual harassment, there would be a big deal out of it.

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