Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Omnivore's Dilemma: Post 2

One thing that was really interesting in the later part of the first chapter was how one in three children east fast food every day. That's a lot of fast food being consumed! Michael Pollan's son doesn't get to eat at McDonald's very often, so when Pollan was talking about a trip with his family to McDonald's I knew that he was doing this to see what kinds of things people could get on the menu (his son mentioned a salad because Pollan's wife doesn't like to go to McDonald's because of the lack of a "real meal."). Of course, Pollan didn't really mention anything about fast food places such as Subway, which would have been interesting to read about, because they are also considered fast food. What makes them different? Their tuna contains almost as much fat and calories (if not as much) as a McDonald's burger.
Perhaps what Pollan was getting at was how much corn is in most of the McDonald's food. Corn is the basis of our food products in America, as I stated in my previous blog post, but how are we American's supposed to get our other neutrients, from vitamins?

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