Tuesday, December 14, 2010


While there have been many debates about the idea of abortion, there have only been so many laws to restrict how many abortions there are and how often they occur. I can tell you right now that no matter what, no person can tell a pregnant woman whether she can have an abortion, or not to have one.
      First of all people against abortion are not necessarily "Pro-Life," even though that is their generic name for groups that agree with them. The reason why I say this is because there's no group that supports "Pro-Death," as far as I know. This title can be very misleading, even though everybody seems to agree with this name and not really notice the problem with this term. Perhaps "Anti-Abortion" would be a clearer and better term for these kinds of people.
      I kind of don't really think that people have the right to tell women to have an abortion or not. Whether one thinks it's right or wrong, people shouldn't be told what to do, unless it is for the greater good for society. Abortion will do nothing but slightly deplete the population growth in America, which actually wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily. If a women feels that abortion is wrong, all I have to say is that's great. I'm glad she feels that way, and I'm glad she wants to communicate her opinion. If she ends up being raped, then she can let her life fall apart emotionally, and at the same time become pregnant.
      If a teenage girl is against abortion, while her mother is not, I'm more than willing to accept that, even if her mother does not. However, when that girl gets raped, and ends up pregnant, she can walk around school with that little shameful secret of hers, and be too stubbborn to the point where she will give it up for adoption. Think about how much of an education she will miss, especially if she is in high school. I don't feel obligated to explain to anyone if I feel one way or another because.... I am not a girl! Guys shouldn't really think for women, nor should they tell others what to do. Again, it doesn't really matter whether I'm against abortion or not, but it matters whether people are telling others to think that abortion is wrong, when everyone on this earth is capable of thinking for themselves.
      Many people in my Issues class have brought up the idea that religion has a huge impact on people's opinions upon the idea of "murdering babies." Specifically, these people are following some form of Christianity. Nobody can stop them from being religious, because that's great for them, but the people who are against abortion seem to practice their religion in all seriousness. In addition, Orthodox Jewish people can be just as much against abortion as anyone else. It is interesting, however, that no one mentions them.
      One thing I forgot to mention: When a teenage girl is pregnant, I would think she would tell her parents. However, if she decides to get an abortion, it is only fair if her parents are notified. I believe that parents have a right to decide for their daughter if getting an abortion is the right or wrong thing to do, only because they would be the ones paying for this expensive procedure. If the parents don't agree with the daughter's decision to get an abortion, there is really nothing that she can do unless she thinks she has enough money to pay for it herself. The reason why parents have the right to not only be notified but also make the decision for the daughter under age 18 is because again, THEY are probably going to end up paying for it, she WON'T. If the daughter is above the age 18, the parents still should be notified, but they can't make the decision for her. However, they can refuse to pay for it.
      Someone might ask though: What if the daughter doesn't want to get an abortion while her parents do? Well, in that situation, as unfair as it may seem, the parents can still have the right to pay for the abortion, as long as the daughter doesn't pay for it. I really couldn't see anyone in this scenario, because I don't think parents would really want to have to take care of their grandchildren 20 years early than they should.
      If there's anything you can pull out of the stuff that I said it should be this: Not everyone who is religious is against abortion, although it may seem that way. People who are opposite of the "Pro-Life" groups are not necessarily against abortion, nor are they for it. Pro-Choice is really more about letting the women decide what she wants to do. Either way, I could see things becoming emotional for a women becoming pregnant as a result of rape.